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Astigmatism Treatments

Astigmatism Treatments

Astigmatism Treatment

Astigmatism is a common vision problem that affects the way the eye focuses on light. It occurs when the cornea or the lens of the eye has an irregular shape, causing blurry or distorted vision at all distances. Astigmatism may be present at birth or may develop later in life due to various reasons, including:


  • Corneal shape: The cornea is supposed to be spherical, but in individuals with astigmatism, it is shaped more like a football, causing vision problems.

  • Lens irregularities: In some cases, astigmatism may occur due to irregularities in the lens of the eye.

In the following lines, we will discuss symptoms and types of astigmatism, and which astigmatism correction surgery at Al Kahhal Medical Center is suitable for you.

The Symptoms of Astigmatism

  • Blurred or distorted vision

  • Eye strain or fatigue

  • Headaches

  • Difficulty seeing at night

Different Types of Astigmatism

There are different types of astigmatism, categorized based on the specific irregularities of the eye:

Regular Astigmatism: 

The astigmatism is the same in all meridians of the eye, either with the principal meridians being 90 degrees apart (against the rule astigmatism), or 180 degrees apart (with the rule astigmatism).

Irregular Astigmatism: 

This type of astigmatism is caused by an irregular-shaped cornea or lens and is less common than regular astigmatism.

Astigmatism Diagnosis

Before getting to know the best eye surgery for astigmatism, It must be diagnosed correctly, it can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination conducted by an optometrist or ophthalmologist at Al Kahhal Medical Center.


Once diagnosed, it can be corrected using eyeglasses, contact lenses, or astigmatism correction surgery. It is important to consult with an eye care professional to determine the best eye surgery for astigmatism or the best treatment option based on the severity and type of astigmatism.

Eyeglasses as Astigmatism Treatment

How eyeglasses correct astigmatism

No need to know the best eye surgery for astigmatism, if eyeglasses can help. Eyeglasses are a common and effective treatment option for correcting astigmatism. They work by compensating for the irregular shape of the cornea or lens and helping to focus light properly onto the retina. 


The prescription for astigmatism eyeglasses includes two numbers - one for the amount of astigmatism and the other for any nearsightedness or farsightedness. The eyeglass lenses are specially designed to counteract the astigmatism and provide clear and sharp vision for individuals with this condition.


It is important to consult with an eye care professional to determine the most suitable type of eyeglass lenses for astigmatism based on individual needs and preferences.

LASIK Surgery for Astigmatism

Understanding Lasik surgery for Astigmatism 

Lasik surgery for astigmatism is a popular and effective option for treating astigmatism. During the procedure, a laser is used to reshape the cornea, correcting the irregularities that cause astigmatism. This allows light to focus properly on the retina, resulting in clearer vision.

Eligibility requirements and recovery process

Lasik is the best eye surgery for astigmatism. To determine eligibility forLasik surgery for astigmatism, individuals need to undergo a comprehensive eye examination. Factors that doctors consider are;

  • corneal thickness

  • Refractive error

  • Overall eye health 


The recovery process after Lasik surgery for astigmatism typically involves a few days of rest and avoiding activities that may strain the eyes. The vision may initially be blurry, but it should gradually improve over time. Follow-up appointments with the eye surgeon are important to monitor the healing process.


It's important to note that Lasik surgery for astigmatism may not be the best eye surgery for astigmatism. Consulting with an experienced eye surgeon can help determine the best treatment options for individual needs.


Overall, both contact lenses and Lasik surgery for astigmatism offer effective ways to correct astigmatism and improve vision. The choice between the two depends on factors such as personal preference, lifestyle, and suitability determined by an eye care professional.

PRK Surgery for Astigmatism

Understanding PRK astigmatism correction surgery

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) astigmatism correction surgery is another option. Similar to LASIK, this procedure also reshapes the cornea to correct the irregularities causing astigmatism. However, instead of creating a flap in the cornea, PRK removes the outer layer entirely, allowing for precise reshaping.

Benefits and potential risks of PRK astigmatism correction surgery

PRK astigmatism correction surgery offers several benefits for astigmatism treatment, including:

  • No risk of flap-related complications

  • The best eye surgery for astigmatism for individuals with thin corneas

  • Less risk of dry eye syndrome

Potential risks of PRK astigmatism correction surgery may include discomfort during the recovery period, temporary glare or halos, and slower visual recovery compared to LASIK. Consulting with an eye care professional will help determine if PRK is the best eye surgery for astigmatism.

Choosing The Right Eyeglass Lenses for Astigmatism

Contact lenses are commonly used as an effective treatment for astigmatism. There are several types of contact lenses available for individuals with astigmatism:


  • Toric lenses: designed to compensate for the irregular shape of the cornea and provide clear vision.

  • Rigid gas permeable lenses: made of a rigid material that allows for oxygen to pass through and offers excellent vision correction.

  • Hybrid lenses: combine the features of rigid gas permeable lenses and soft lenses, providing clarity and comfort.

  • Soft toric lenses: made of a soft material, they offer comfortable and convenient vision correction.

When wearing contact lenses for astigmatism, it's important to follow proper usage and care tips, such as washing hands before handling the lenses, cleaning and disinfecting them, and following the prescribed duration of use.

Best Eye Surgery for Astigmatism

Comparison of Astigmatism Eye Surgery Options

When it comes to addressing astigmatism, there are several eye surgery options available. Each procedure offers unique benefits and considerations that should be taken into account when making a decision. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the best eye surgery for astigmatism:


  • Lasik surgery for astigmatism is another popular option for treating astigmatism. It uses a laser to reshape the cornea and correct the irregularities that cause astigmatism. Eligibility for Lasik surgery for astigmatism is determined through a comprehensive eye examination, and recovery involves rest and follow-up appointments.


  • PRK astigmatism correction surgery is an alternative to LASIK that also reshapes the cornea to correct astigmatism. It offers benefits such as no risk of flap-related complications and suitability for individuals with thin corneas. Risks may include temporary discomfort and slower visual recovery.


The choice between contact lenses, Lasik surgery for astigmatism, and PRK astigmatism correction surgery depends on factors such as personal preference, lifestyle, and the suitability determined by an eye care professional.


Both contact lenses and astigmatism correction surgeries like LASIK and PRK offer effective ways to correct astigmatism and improve vision. Individuals should consult with an eye care professional to determine the most suitable treatment option based on their specific needs and preferences.


To consult with the best ophthalmologists in the KSA, visit this link and get a comprehensive eye check-up at Al Kahhal Medical Center.

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