

Specialty Services

  • A comprehensive evaluation of the eye condition includes examination of the status and function of the eyelids, examination of the functions of the lacrimal system, examination of the degree of eye irritation, diagnosis of diseases and disorders of pilgrims using ultrasound, MRI and CT. Eyelid surgery includes surgery for eyelashes to the inside or outside, treatment of eyelids, eradication of benign and malignant tumors, repair of eyelids after injuries and eradication of tumors.
  • Surgery of the lacrimal system includes surgery to prevent the closure of the lacrimal duct and its formation and the formation of a blood stream to treat the occlusion of the lacrimal duct and congenital acquired. Treatment of lashes and eyelids. Treatment of fractures of pilgrims, especially fractures of the pilgrims' floor, its inner wall and edges.
  • The opening of pilgrims to eradicate benign and malignant tumors and to reduce the severity of the effect of hypothyroidism on pilgrims. Surgery for the removal of the contents of the eyeball, eyectomy surgery, and the entire removal of the contents of the pilgrims.

Definition of specialization

  • The Department of Orthopedic Surgery of the eye and pilgrims provided diagnostic and therapeutic services to patients of all age groups who suffer from problems in the eyelids, pilgrims and the lacrimal system. The Department of Cosmetic Construction also design eye and cosmetic eye compensations for patients according to their needs.
